Chip 1 Exchange

Neu-Isenburg 63263


About Chip 1 Exchange


Martin-Behaim-Strasse 10
Neu-Isenburg 63263

More Info on Chip 1 Exchange

Chip 1 Exchange is an industry leading, global, hybrid, Franchise/Full Service Distributor of Electronic Components and peripherals. Being a hybrid distributor, not only do we have a broad offering of Franchise lines, but we are also one of the largest top-quality open market FACTORY ORIGINAL suppliers of Electronic Components and Peripherals in the world.

Articles & News

Dreamstime Xxl 174404205

Cracking Down on Counterfeit Goods with the SHOP SAFE Act

Oct. 25, 2023
If passed into law, a new U.S. bipartisan bill may make it harder for counterfeiters to infiltrate and sell their goods in the $1 trillion-plus e-commerce arena.

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