Advanced Micro Devices, following months of new microprocessor releases based on its Zen architecture, said that it would distribute its computer chips in China through, the second largest online consumer retailer in the country behind Alibaba, which is considered the Amazon of China.
While it has revitalized its product portfolio, AMD has been striking deals to drill its technology deeper into China. In 2016, the company partnered with a Chinese investment firm to build a new generation of server processors to be sold within China. The company was paid $293 million for licensing technology based the x86 architecture, which is also used by Intel.
The distribution deal is intended to improve AMD’s bottom line. “ will deliver online sales advantages to bring the excellent AMD processors, including its latest Ryzen offerings, to Chinese consumers throughout the country,” said Shengli Hu, president of the online marketplace’s electronics and lifestyle business unit, in a statement.
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