#10 Mouser Electronics Distributor 2016

Top Electronics Distributors 2017 - #9 Mouser Electronics

May 16, 2017
Mouser Electronics. Mouser Electronics is a leading, worldwide authorized distributor of the newest semiconductors and electronic components for over 500 top manufacturers.


About Us
Mouser Electronics is a leading, worldwide authorized distributor of the newest semiconductors and electronic components for over 500 top manufacturers. Part of the Berkshire Hathaway family of companies, we specialize in the rapid introduction of new products and technologies for design engineers and buyers. Our extensive product offering includes semiconductors, interconnects, passives, power and electromechanical components. With a commitment to customer service excellence and locations around the globe, Mouser is here to help you get innovative designs to market faster and easier.

Mouser Delivers

  • All the Top Brands
  • Newest Products in Stock
  • Widest Product Selection
  • Information & Resources to Speed Design
  • Same-Day Shipping
  • Fast, Accurate Order Deliveries
  • No Minimum Orders
  • Quality Service Regardless of Order Size

View Our Line Card Here

Additional Information
CEO and President: Glenn Smith
Company Headquarters: Mansfield, Texas
2016 Sales: $1.034 billion
Locations: 21
Employees: 1600+Globally
Company Website: www.Mouser.com

Connect With Us

Where You Can Find Us

Mouser Electronics, Inc.
1000 N. Main Street,
Mansfield, TX 76063-1514 USA
Founded in 1964
web: Mouser.com
phone: (800) 346-6873