Planning a Path for Future Growth

April 21, 2017
Planning a Path for Future Growth

Digital transformation is invigorating and opens doors for business opportunities and market growth. But it also presents challenges for companies across the electronics value chain. What products and technologies to develop or acquire? What’s the right business model? Who will be the new competitors? When will the market take off? This paper looks at some of the factors that are informing the answers to these and other questions and suggest a few areas to focus.

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What you will learn -

  • Why the next tech boom will differ from past booms
  • IoT growth projections and the meaning of the “long tail”
  • Reasons to develop a service model for revenue growth
  • Why the acquisition binge is expected to continue
  • The business implications of the “trough of disillusionment”
  • If the coming digital transformation is showing up in chip sales yet

Meet the Author

Bruce Rayner is Content Director of SourceToday. For the past 30 years, he has been a keen observer of global business and technology trends with a focus on the electronics supply base and supply chain management. His experience includes staff editor at Harvard Business Review, Editorial Director of Electronics Business magazine and EBN, Director of Thought Leadership at IHS, and Vice President of Consulting and Market Research at Technology Forecasters.

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