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Emily Newton

Emily Newton has eight years of creating logistics and supply chain articles under her belt. She loves helping people stay informed about industry trends. Her work in Supply Chain Connect, Global Trade Magazine and Parcel, showcases her ability to identify newsworthy stories. When Emily isn't writing, she enjoys building lego sets with her husband.

Recent Articles

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Supply Chain Technology

Risk Management in the Transportation of Heavy Equipment

Transporting heavy equipment to various sites is a common activity that comes with inherent risks. How can professionals reduce them?
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Supply Chain Technology

Tackling Communication Challenges in Today's Supply Chains

Technology-driven strategies may be able to resolve today’s rampant supply chain communication challenges.
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News & Trends

Waste Not, Want Not: Eliminating Waste in the Renewable Energy Supply Chain

Solar panels and wind turbines raise serious concerns about e-waste and supply chain emissions. Discover how supply chains can restructure to address this issue.
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News & Trends

Are Wasteful Warehouses Coming to an End? The Rise of Net-Zero Logistics

The logistics industry is responsible for significant greenhouse gas emissions, but that may be changing.

Most Recent Articles

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News & Trends

New Rule Aims to Streamline and Modernize Hazmat Shipping

The DOT has proposed new rules streamlining and modernizing the hazmat compliance process. See how it might impact your business and the industry as a whole.
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Supply Chain Technology

Blockchain’s Impact on Food Safety, Sustainability and the Supply Chain

How can supply chain managers rely on the blockchain to prioritize food safety and minimize waste? Check out these compelling, real-life examples.
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Supply Chain Technology

Can Automated Terminal Solutions Solve Your Container Woes?

Port automation is gaining popularity, making essential activities more efficient. What benefits can these technologies offer?
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Supply Chain Technology

Are You Missing Out on the Benefits of Climate Controlled Warehouses?

Climate control systems prevent product damage, preserve equipment and more. Discover why these solutions are so crucial and how warehouses can implement them.
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Supply Chain Technology

Transportation Software Is Crucial for Streamlining Logistics Operations

Are you thinking about bringing trucking software into your logistics workflow? Read about some of the many benefits here.
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Supply Chain Technology

3D Printing Disruption: Is Your Supply Chain Ready?

How has the 3D printing supply chain disrupted conventional processes and supported business innovations? Learn some of the fascinating possibilities here.